Pictures of the moments we treasure
and the people we love.

Being human is to feel, to evolve, to be perfectly imperfect. It includes all the raw and honest emotions we go through as individuals, as mothers and as families.

Treasuring who we are means to respect and appreciate every detail and aspect of ourselves.
Not hiding away, obscuring or romanticising our gaze but to love what makes us human.

Let me tell the story of you in all your wonderful, unique and awe-inspiring details!

Life is constantly changing, moments after precious moments are becoming wonderful memories.

Pictures that tell your story:



A homage to what makes us human, to the senses with which we perceive life. Utterly respectful, honest and deeply sensitive. These images don’t just serve as memories - they pay tribute to your wonderful and unique self. Like a poem, painted with light and shadow.

pregnancy photography Vienna


A unique period of change. Life feels different as does your body and the way you perceive the world around you. Forming a new life and slowly getting to know and falling in love with it. A period of letting go and defining your new self. An exhilarating, often challenging yet wonderful time in your life that’s truly different from everything that was and everything that will be.


The moments when it all starts, when a new member is joining your family and you are slowly growing together. A period in life that is filled with emotions, uncertainties, trust and abundant love.
It’s a truly unique time that only lasts a few weeks before evolving and turning into precious memories.

maternity photography Vienna


Mother- and parenthood consist of so many unique aspects and moments. It’s a time of nursing, of a life unfolding and of exploring the world together.
Special occasions like a first birthday together with the everyday moments intertwine to tell the story of your journey as a parent as well as the story of your child. Moments that deserve to be held onto as they pass by so quickly.



Digital Photoshoot

The photoshoot can take place outdoor as well as indoor. Be it the comfort of you own home, surrounded by nature, in a photo studio or an AirBnB - you can chose what suits you best.


  • 2 hour photoshoot

  • Consultation prior to the photoshoot

  • Minimum 40 final, edited pictures (high-res JPEGs)

  • Private online gallery to download your images (available for 6 months)

  • Printing rights

€ 520


Analog Photoshoot

For the film aficionados: a photo session shot completely with an analog camera on color or black+white negative film. This slow and deliberate way of photography paired with the distinct look of film offers a unique photographic experience.


  • 2 hour photoshoot

  • Consultation prior to the photoshoot

  • Choice of color or black+white photography (both can also be combined)

  • Minimum 20 final images (high-res JPEGs from digitised / scanned negatives)

  • Private online gallery to download your images (available for 6 months)

  • Printing rights

€ 620

pregnancy photos Vienna

Analog add on

You can add on some analog pictures to your digital photoshoot. That way your experience and your pictures will provide the best of both (analog and digital) worlds!


  • Choice of color or black+white film

  • 10 final, analog images (high-res JPEGs from digitised / scanned negatives)

  • Private online gallery to download your images (available for 6 months)

  • Printing rights

€ 150

maternity photo vienna


Pictures need to be printed. They need to be hung on walls, put into photo albums, stored in boxes for the next generations to find them.

They need to be seen! The true value of a picture only manifests itself fully when it can be touched and held in your hands. Digital files all too often just get buried on hard drives, never to see the light of day.

No matter if it’s a simple digital print or a high end fine art picture, a manually developed analog print - the pictures that really matter deserve to be put on paper!

Printing options are available for every budget - get in touch for an individual offer..

€ variable

Frequently asked questions


What does a photoshoot with you look like?

I tailor every photoshoot to your individual needs and preferences. A relaxed atmosphere is an essential foundation for great pictures. We will have enough time for relaxed conversations while I find different photographic angles and motifs. It is important to me to get to know you during the shoot so my pictures can capture the essence of your personality.

Do you exclusively photograph women?

Not at all - I am happy to take pictures of women and men alike. The center of my photographic attention are human beings, so everyone is welcome! It is not unusual for my customers to also ask for (additional) pictures with their partner.

When do I receive my images?

All pictures will then be available three weeks after the photoshoot in a personal online gallery.

For analog pictures, the delivery time is four weeks in order to allow time for the development process (the negatives need to be developed in a photo lab and scanned).

My home is not suitable as a photoshoot location, can we do the session somewhere else?

While almost every home can be used for creative and engaging pictures, we can of course find alternative arrangements. There are plenty of potential locations. We can venture outside (for intimate pictures for example a remote place in nature can be great), take pictures in daylight studios or rent an AirBnB … I am happy to suggest the perfect location for the setting you imagine.

What is the best time for my pregnancy photoshoot?

Basically every moment of your choosing is perfect to be captured in pictures. Every phase of your individual journey is special and precious and worth documenting.

If you want to document your large pregnancy bump, we should aim for week 34 to 37. Bearing in mind, that every pregnancy is different, this is when your belly will already be quite pronounced but the majority women still feel agile and happy to do a photoshoot .

Will you show my pictures online?

With your permission. I would love to add your wonderful pictures to my portfolio. Your pictures help me to project a natural, respectful and honest view on being human. However this only applies if you are comfortable with it!
If some pictures are too intimate for you to be shared, let me know and I will absolutely respect your wishes.